Quality Commercial Cultivation Supplies Backed By Committed Core Values

  • We prefer fans over customers. We live to turn customers into lifelong fans via our differentiated sales and service model, pervasive “customer-first” culture and fanatical execution.
  • We accept no excuses in service of our mission. We hold each other rigorously accountable in our pursuit of market and thought leadership.
  • We believe innovation is the core of our DNA. The best way to predict the future is to invent it.
  • We have grit. Our team fears no challenge.
  • We are professional. All people and circumstances always deserve our utmost attention and care.

We design our products for cannabis cultivators. Before we sell anything, we test it. Relentlessly. Our R&D facility has the same equipment found in agricultural testing facilities. We examine every aspect and input of the growing cycle. We are in a constant state of R&D. Always improving. Always seeking.

Our team lives in cannabis cultivation facilities and thrives on a challenge. Our Plant Specialists are here to help you succeed.

Our products are the best because we developed them to be the best. And we can prove it. Don’t accept anything less.
